Microcontroller projects

Logic-level shifter tips and tricks

last updated: 2021-07-02


A cool bidirectional logic-level shifter circuit is all over the internet. It is often used for serial or I²C interfaces. Here a version to connect a 3.3 V data line (ESP, Pico) to a 5 V device.

level shifter

But lately I run in some problems by using this circuit with NeoPixel LED's. So I had to take a closer look.

Beware of the frequency!

The mentioned interfaces run at about 100 kHz. But modern I²C interfaces use often 400 kHz. Even at 100 kHz the signal is not optimal. At 400 kHz the circuit does not work any more (right image).

level shifter 10k 100kHz  level shifter 10k 400kHz
click for a better view

By looking at a logic-level shifter breakout board, I realised that they used the same circuit with 10 kΩ resistances:

level shifter breakout

So the measuring results are the same for this board.

Use 1 kΩ instead of 10 kΩ!

So a let's raise the current by using 1 kΩ resistances instead of 10 kΩ:

level shifter

level shifter 1k 100kHz  level shifter 1k 400kHz
click for a better view

So that's a little better. But the NeoPixel work with 800 kHz. Here the screens for 800 kHz and 2 MHz:

level shifter 1k 800kHz  level shifter 1k 2MHz
click for a better view

Use 74HCT125 for NeoPixel!

To get NeoPixel work with an ESP, we don't need a bidirectional logic-level shifter, an unipolar logic-level shifter suffices.

5 V NeoPixel need more than 4,3 V on the data line to work faultlessly, so we can use the 74HCT125 IC for our NeoPixel! The 74HCT125 has 4 bus buffer gates with high-current outputs and a low power consumption.

And it works up to 1 MHz.

We connect 5 V to pin 14 and GND to pin 7 as for most ICs of the 74xxx family. The Enable pins of the gates must be connected with GND. Here a circuit from my neoclock2 using this chip:

level shifter

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